
[转]Android Market排名算法及规则

众所周知,做搜索出身的Google,旗下的Market的排名肯定是依据一个形同( A×a% + B×b% + C×c%)的公式计算出来的数值,进行排名的。开发者可根据其排名规则,对自己的产品设计和研发以及推广进行指导。

1. 排名公式里有哪些指标?

指标A、B、C到底是什么?权重a、b、c究竟是多少?这些问题的答案,应该是每个App开发者和运营者都渴望了解的。知道了这个答案之后,有些“聪明”的人就会像当年SP的从业者一样,去刷那些权重大的指标、从而拉升产品的排名了。网上关于此问题的讨论很多都是不了了之、无疾而终。相对较深入的一篇文章《Android Market App Rankings》,也只是在猜想是基于“安装量”的增长和留存。可惜,该作者离正确答案就差一步了…… Continue reading…

Your debugger is not using the correct symbols

今个用WinDBG研究IDT时突然出现!idt命令提示Your debugger is not using the correct symbols,不知何故,试了一些网上提到的解决方法,都不太好使,结果发现只要简单的.reload一下就可以了,真是莫名其妙。



What are the classes of SM-MT (mobile terminated) messages?

Classes identify the message’s importance as well as the location where it should be stored. There are 4 message classes.
Class 0: Indicates that this message is to be displayed on the MS immediately and a message delivery report is to be sent back to the SC. The message does not have to be saved in the MS or on the SIM card (unless selected to do so by the mobile user).
Class 1: Indicates that this message is to be stored in the MS memory or the SIM card (depending on memory availability).
Class 2: This message class is Phase 2 specific and carries SIM card data. The SIM card data must be successfully transferred prior to sending acknowledgement to the SC. An error message will be sent to the SC if this transmission is not possible.
Class 3: Indicates that this message will be forwarded from the receiving entity to an external device. The delivery acknowledgement will be sent to the SC regardless of whether or not the message was forwarded to the external device.



如何修改Windows Mobile手机的Internet共享分配给PC端的IP地址段

Settings -> Wifi -> Network Adapters -> Remote-NDIS Host

The default range is

I changed mine to by keying IP address as and for netmask. the hermes will act as the DHCP server at address



为Eclipse ADT创建的android项目通过ant添加proguard混淆支持
),当时我就说过,相信随着Google Android的不断更新发展以及Eclipse ADT插件的不断改进,总有一天,做Android项目时能够和J2ME项目一样方便的一键打包混淆。现在新版的SDK和ADT就已经添加了这样的功能(SDK Tools中已经整合了Proguard的发行包,连这步配置都省了!),虽然还不是一键,但也就是小改一个配置文件的事,相对以前的手改ant xml build file的做法来说已经是极大的简化了添加混淆支持的难度了。

先说说我写这篇文章时用的开发环境:Eclipse 3.5.2+ADT 9.0.0+SDK Tools R9+SDK Platform-tools R2。

声明我不保证在其他版本的IDE ADT和SDK Tools下我的方法是否可行且不会产生问题!

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The source file is different from when the module was built.


Source file: D:\Projects\StereoMatch\stereomatcher.cpp

Module: D:\Projects\StereoMatch\Debug\StereoMatch.exe

Process: [4024] StereoMatch.exe

The source file is different from when the module was built. Would you like the debugger to use it anyway?



At StereoMatcher.cpp, line 166 (‘ComputeCorrespondence()’, line 128)

The breakpoint will not currently be hit. The source code is different from the original version.

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