目前用的编译器是VS 2022的toolchain,于是打开x64 Native Tools命令行,进到boost源码路径,简单看了下说明,敲了“bootstrap.bat”,提示:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | Building Boost.Build engine cl: 命令行 warning D9035 :“GZ”选项已否决,并将在将来的版本中移除 cl: 命令行 warning D9036 :使用“RTC1”而不使用“GZ” cl: 命令行 warning D9002 :忽略未知选项“ /MLd ” Bootstrapping is done . To build, run: .\b2 To adjust configuration, edit 'project-config.jam' . Further information: - Command line help: .\b2 --help - Getting started guide: http: //boost .org /more/getting_started/windows .html - Boost.Build documentation: http: //www .boost.org /boost-build2/doc/html/index .html |