10 月 2007


October 11, 2007 – First bug reports
Shame on me! In only one day, I have received 15 bug reports related to the v2.0 pre-alpha code! Most of them concentrate around the protection violation at address 477AC3 (a more or less obvious bug), but there are also other crashes reported. What should I say? Thank you! Without your steady help, OllyDbg 1.10 would never reach its actual quality. Hopefully, in some time second version will reach at least the same standards… Anyway, in the couple of weeks there will be update here. And – thank you again! Please keep it this way!

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[ZT]Eliminate flicker when painting on a form or a TPaintBox control.

A lot of programmers complain about flicker when they draw on a TPaintBox control, when they draw on the form’s Canvas, or when they paint on the Canvas of a control that they have written. One newsgroup post contained a subject line that read: “TPaintBox wicked flicker, can it be stopped.” The answer is yes, and the solution is simple, once you understand what is going on.

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关于hekkus sound system的wins build(2)

wins build在模拟器上出现system error(-2)的问题估计就是由于作者发布在包内的dll是给S60 2nd用的,所以在模拟器上无法加载。
播放音乐的问题已经解决了,在对比了手机上现有的hss.dll和发布包内的hss.dll的大小后发现版本不一致(2个dll大小不一样),于是意识到有可能是由于dll版本不一样导致的hssMusic在load的时候出现错误,于是删除了手机上的hss.dll(很奇怪的是,没有发现哪个程序包安装的这个dll,因为怀疑到的所有edge的游戏在删掉了这个dll后仍能正常运行,难道他们都用的是static lib?!那这个dll是裝哪个的时候弄过来的…),重新打包,这次将新的dll写进pkg里安装,ok,mod音乐正常播放了,加载mod文件的方式自己写好了,就是自己把文件读如内存,然后用load内存地址版的hssMusic的load函数加载,测试通过,下次放出代码。