11 月 2009

The source file is different from when the module was built.


Source file: D:\Projects\StereoMatch\stereomatcher.cpp

Module: D:\Projects\StereoMatch\Debug\StereoMatch.exe

Process: [4024] StereoMatch.exe

The source file is different from when the module was built. Would you like the debugger to use it anyway?



At StereoMatcher.cpp, line 166 (‘ComputeCorrespondence()’, line 128)

The breakpoint will not currently be hit. The source code is different from the original version.

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Can’t connect to Windows Marketplace?

One of the checks the Marketplace application seems to make us having a look at your version information. A lot of custom ROMs put thier own string in, which seems to be upsetting it. To check, open up your favourite registry editor and make your way to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Versions and change Aku to .5.3.00

And then soft reset and give it a go.

windows mobile 6环境下的OpenGL ES开发环境设置

  Mobile SDK用的是6 refresh附带6.5 chs的rom,IDE用的是VS 2008。

  由于google到的相关gles和mobile的开发教程大部分都是对比较早版本的mobile sdk写的,所以可能到了6.0这个时代发生了一些变化导致教程上的某些方法不再适用了(至少我按着其中的做法没有成功…)。这里把能在模拟器上成功运行gles程序的环境设置方法总结一下。

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今天给老电脑重装了一下系统,windows xp sp3,结果老娘看凤凰在线直播的时候出现颜色不对的问题(就像红外线扫描后的那种效果)。右键看了一下,出了flash的菜单,以为是flash版本问题,于是直接去adobe的flash区下载了最新版本的ax控件,再试,还是不对,又以为是显卡驱动的问题,检查了一下各可以选项,也没能解决,驱动已经是9550能用的最新的了。后来上了一下土豆,发现播放的视频颜色就没问题,奇怪了。同是flash的在线视频怎么就颜色不对呢,最后无意查看了一下凤凰在线直播网页的源码,发现实际播放视频的地是个windows media player的控件,于是更新了一下刚装好后的系统自带wmp到最新的11,ok,问题解决。别说这问题以前还真没遇到过,郁闷了1个钟头才解决。