; Program By K-Res 2004-12-28
csg segment
main proc far
assume cs:csg
start: ;start address
push dx ;save dx
xor ax,ax ;set ax to zero
push ax ;save ax
mov dl,0fh ;assign 15 to dl to display ascii chr
mov cx,0fh ;assign 15 to cx outer loop
push cx ;save outer loop counter cx
mov cx,10h ;assign 16 to cx inner loop counter
inc dl ;increase dl by 1(10h)
mov ah,2 ;call int21 to display
int 21h
push dx
mov dl,0 ;display space
mov ah,2
int 21h
pop dx
loop lop2 ;inner loop ends here
pop cx
push dx
mov dl,13 ;display return and begin a new line
mov ah,2
int 21h
mov dl,10
mov ah,2
int 21h
pop dx
loop lop1 ;outer loop ends here
main endp
csg ends
end start