模拟器上运行测试了随open c插件包发布的一些RGA例子后想看看真机效果,本以为只要安装RGA.sis内的dll就可以了,后来发现mmp里还引用了一些基础的东西,如libc等,于是补上了pips_nokia_1_3_SS.sis内的dll,运行正常!
基本上是按照http://www.dospy.com/bbs/thread-1463143-4-1.html的教程顺序一步一步下来的,开始卡在了sending message number 00…的地方,参考了一下其他论坛上的信息,好像是因为pc suite或software update manager的版本过高导致,因为刚升级完系统到国行的最新版本,所以2个软件的版本的确都是最高的,最后折腾了半天,该卸的卸该重装的重装,成功的状态是:没装software update manager,pc suite版本是6.83的样子。后面的步骤都比较顺利,替换根证书什么的,最后a4终于在最高权限下运行了,记事本什么的都可以用了,目前没发现任何不良反应,继续实验中……
S60 3rd的签名证书系统被破解了!
昨天打算试验一下5月份的a4输入法时,发现自己在symbiansigned上的developer licenese的key找不到了,网站上只能取到颁发后的cer文件,记得以前是可以取到key文件的,而且现在的symbiansigned不对没有publisher id的用户提供证书申请服务了,比较恶心。如果想用最高权限的a4的话就得有相应的证书文件来签名,查看别人讨论时发现60 3版的证书系统被破解了,方法也不是很复杂,好像是用了nokia给开发人员提供的trk真机调试程序改变了系统的某些东西,这样就可以让普通签名的sis包得到最高的执行权限,回来有空试下,希望不要变砖~_~
[ZT]Freetype2 compiled for NDS
[ZT]All PSP Error Codes
First 4 digits indicate the functional area that reported an error : 8002 is the kernel, 8001 is the standard libc (and the error numbers correspond to the POSIX errno.h constants). Others are less well known, but you can see the wifi range from your list, for instance.
[ZT]PSP program formats
The PSP uses ELF (Executable and Linking Format) as the executable format. These are packaged into a EBOOT.PBP along with other files for easy distribution and loading. When loaded, the MIPS cpu can run the code in kernel or user mode. Most of the XMB and drivers for the hardware boot in kernel mode. Most of the kernel code and device drivers for the PSP are coded in a relocateable executable format with the extension .prx. This format is a proprietary format made by Sony. Note that .prx format code need not run in kernel mode, but a vast majority of them are because Sony provided them to control the PSP hardware.
[ZT]Porting a 1.50 firmware homebrew to 3.xx firmware
3.xx firmwares require your homebrew be in prx format. To get your homebrew in this format, you need to follow a few basic steps:
买PSP已经快1年了,因为我平时就比较无聊 所以总是能抽出比较多的时间来研究