
Unity3D有一个叫做”live recompile”的功能,即在编辑器处于播放状态时修改脚本代码或替换托管dll等操作时,当场触发重新编译生成项目脚本assembly,并会进行重新加载操作,然而,这个功能很多时候并不能保证重加载后的代码逻辑依然能正常运行,轻则报错,重则卡死。经过博主测试发现,Unity在重加载assembly后,会清空类实例部分成员变量的值(如在Awake中new出的数组对象等),且不负责还原。最终,为了避免由于此导致的问题,采取了一种回避的手段:通过Editor脚本方式检测是否在播放状态时触发了脚本编译,是的话立即停止播放,代码如下:

 // Cape Guy, 2015. Use at your own risk.
 using UnityEngine;
 using UnityEditor;
 /// <summary>
 /// This script exits play mode whenever script compilation is detected during an editor update.
 /// </summary>
 [InitializeOnLoad] // Make static initialiser be called as soon as the scripts are initialised in the editor (rather than just in play mode).
 public class ExitPlayModeOnScriptCompile {
     // Static initialiser called by Unity Editor whenever scripts are loaded (editor or play mode)
     static ExitPlayModeOnScriptCompile () {
         Unused (_instance);
         _instance = new ExitPlayModeOnScriptCompile ();
     private ExitPlayModeOnScriptCompile () {
         EditorApplication.update += OnEditorUpdate;
     ~ExitPlayModeOnScriptCompile () {
         EditorApplication.update -= OnEditorUpdate;
         // Silence the unused variable warning with an if.
         _instance = null;
     // Called each time the editor updates.
     private static void OnEditorUpdate () {
         if (EditorApplication.isPlaying && EditorApplication.isCompiling) {
             Debug.Log ("Exiting play mode due to script compilation.");
             EditorApplication.isPlaying = false;
     // Used to silence the 'is assigned by its value is never used' warning for _instance.
     private static void Unused<T> (T unusedVariable) {}
     private static ExitPlayModeOnScriptCompile _instance = null;

Can I disable live recompile? http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/286571/can-i-disable-live-recompile.html

