C++ Builder 2007用gdiplus时的一个问题

加了Gdiplus.h后,编译不能通过,提示[C++ Error] GdiplusGraphics.h(37): E2015 Ambiguity between ‘Gdiplus::Graphics::Graphics(void *)’ and ‘Gdiplus::Graphics::Graphics(void *,int)’


Must Turn off NO_STRICT #define with GdiPlus library

The C++ library GdiPlus cannot be used in non STRICT mode, since it requires that Graphics::Graphics(HDC) be distinguishable from Graphics::Graphics(HWND). In non STRICT mode, both HWND and HDC are “void*”. Otherwise, you get the error:
[C++ Error] GdiplusGraphics.h(37): E2015 Ambiguity between ‘Gdiplus::Graphics::Graphics(void *)’ and ‘Gdiplus::Graphics::Graphics(void *,int)’

解决办法就是在Project->Options里的Paths and Defines的Conditional Defines里面加上STRICT,这样就开启了STRICT模式,那个歧义就可以消除了!

